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Woman wearing face mask coughing into arm.

Especially right now, nothing is more important than protecting your health. That’s why Neway Fertility has developed a comprehensive set of safety guidelines for your visit. Please review this page carefully so that you understand the steps you’ll need to take, and the factors you will need to start considering, well in advance of your… Continue reading

Undescended Testicles

Young couple embracing at beach wrapped in towel.

Under normal conditions, the testicles move into their proper position in the scrotum, below the penis, before birth. Undescended testicles are not common, but they are common among premature baby boys. While usually only one testicle is affected, in about 10% of the cases, both testicles may stay stuck inside the body. Most of the… Continue reading

Testicular Cancer

Young couple embracing at beach wrapped in towel.

A male’s ability to father children can be affected by testicular cancer and its treatment. If you have testicular cancer and are considering fathering children after treatment, you need to schedule a consultation appointment with one of the fertility specialists at Neway Fertility. We can help you identify your options and keep open the possibility… Continue reading

Premature Ejaculation or Retrograde Ejaculation

Young couple embracing at beach wrapped in towel.

When a man ejaculates sooner than expected during sexual intercourse, it is called premature ejaculation. This is a common experience for many men at some time. When it happens infrequently, it is not a cause for concern. However, if it happens often, you may be diagnosed with premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation can make conceiving a… Continue reading

Misuse of Anabolic Steroids

Young couple embracing at beach wrapped in towel.

There are some drugs, both legal and illegal, that can have a negative impact on male fertility. Anabolic steroids are used to decrease body fat and increase muscle mass. Also known as anabolic-androgenic steroids, these drugs are being used among non-competitive athletes and non-athletes. Testosterone is an anabolic steroid. These types of steroids can do… Continue reading

Low Sperm Count or Low Testosterone (Hypogonadism)

Young couple embracing at beach wrapped in towel.

When a man ejaculates, normally anywhere from 15 million to 200 million sperm per milliliter are released. If the semen contains less than 15 million sperm per milliliter or 39 million sperm per ejaculate, the sperm count is considered to be low. When the sperm count is low, the chances of fertilizing your partner’s egg… Continue reading

Injury to The Scrotum or Testicles

Young couple embracing at beach wrapped in towel.

The testicles are a critical part of the male reproductive system. Most vital organs are inside the body and protected with muscle and bone. The testicles do not have this protection. They are located in the scrotum outside the body, hanging below the penis. This makes them vulnerable to injury. If they should be struck,… Continue reading

High Heat Exposure to Testicles

Young couple embracing at beach wrapped in towel.

Male infertility affects about one in every seven couples. There are many reasons why a man may become infertile: among them are low sperm production, blockages or abnormal sperm function. Overheating of the testicles is also a cause. Heat and Sperm Production For optimal production of sperm, the temperature needs to be 2-4 degrees lower… Continue reading

Enlarged Scrotum Veins (Varicocele)

Young couple embracing at beach wrapped in towel.

The scrotum is the loose bag of skin that contains the testicles. It also contains veins that when enlarged, are much like the varicose veins found in an individual’s legs. A varicocele is an enlargement of these veins. Varicoceles can impact a man’s fertility. They are often the cause of low sperm production and affect… Continue reading

Cystic Fibrosis

Young couple embracing at beach wrapped in towel.

Male infertility affects about 98% of men with cystic fibrosis (CF). However, that does not mean they cannot father biological children. Infertility caused by cystic fibrosis is the result of a missing piece of the male reproductive system. The sperm canal, or vas deferens, is missing in most men with CF. This is also known… Continue reading

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