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In order for some families to begin their journey to parenthood, the use of donor eggs may be required. Your initial consultation with Neway Fertility’s doctors will help decide if this is the right option for your family.

Choosing Your Egg Donor

You have a variety of options in choosing an egg donor. As your partner in the journey, Neway Fertility will be with you every step of the way providing guidance. There are some important factors to take into consideration as you identify your egg donor. At the top of the list is choosing a healthy individual. You also want to have an egg donor who is relatively young, between the ages of 21-32. During these years, a woman’s eggs are at their best quality. Your donor will be screened extensively to rule out complications during your fertility journey.

Options for egg donation can include a friend, family member or you can choose a donor from an egg bank. Neway Fertility’s sister company, American Fertility Services, offers egg donor services. If you choose AFS’s egg bank, be advised that treatment will take place in their Connecticut facility.

Other Considerations for Egg Donors

Your chosen egg donor should be in good physical and psychological health. It is important that she be a non-smoker, no history of substance abuse and is currently not using any drugs. She must be willing to take a series of injections. Your donor will also need to be reliable. There are several appointments that she will need to make and keep during this process. She must also be willing to travel to New York City, Greenwich, CT, or Bridgeport, CT, for testing.

Egg donors do receive financial compensation. As part of the screening process, they also receive a complimentary in-depth evaluation of their reproductive and overall health.

We want to ensure that donor eggs are of the highest quality for our patients, which is why stringent testing and evaluation are so important in the process. You can schedule an appointment for consultation for more information about our donor egg-recipient program.

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